Stockholm Stock Exchange | Mid Cap
3 months
SEB EquitiesNordea MarketsCarnegieSEBDNBDNB MarketsBerenbergDanske Bank

Price Targets For Ambea

AnalystPrice TargetDateUpside
SEB Equities93 SEKAug -24
Nordea Markets98 SEKAug -24
Carnegie110 SEKJul -24
SEB87 SEKJul -24
DNB85 SEKMay -24
DNB Markets76 SEKFeb -24
Berenberg75 SEKJul -22
Danske Bank82 SEKOct -21

About The Company

Ambea AB is a Swedish company in private care with approximately 26,000 employees. They have operations in the Nordic region. The company group offers housing, support, education and staffing in health and care. Ambea has over 900 units throughout Sweden, Norway and DenmarkK.